Books and Edited Volumes:
串田秀也・平本毅・林 誠 『会話分析入門』 東京: 勁草書房. 勁草書房へのリンク
Hayashi, M., Raymond, G., and Sidnell, J. (eds.) Conversational Repair and Human Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to
Cambridge University Press
Hayashi, M. Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Book Reviews:
林 誠(書評)「伊藤翼斗(著)『発話冒頭における言語要素の語順と相互行為』大阪大学出版会,2018」『社会言語科学』22(1), 267-271. Request a copy
Encyclopedia Entries:
Hayashi, M. "Anticipatory completion." In A. Gubina, E. M. Hoey and C. W. Raymond (eds.), Encyclopedia of Terminology for
Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/X4WC6
Hayashi, M. "Choral co-production." In A. Gubina, E. M. Hoey and C. W. Raymond (eds.), Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and
Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/BE8N5
Hayashi, M. "Transformative answer." In A. Gubina, E. M. Hoey and C. W. Raymond (eds.), Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and
Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/G6ND8
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Hayashi, M. and Hayano, K. "Conversation analysis." In K. Matsumoto, H. Narrog, J. C. Maher, and M. Hiramoto (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the
Japanese Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hayashi, M. and Kim, S. H. "Comparing across languages and cultures." In J. D. Robinson, R. Clift, K. Kendrick, and C. Raymond (eds), The Cambridge
Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis, pp. 780-808. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Hayano, K. and Hayashi, M. "Post-confirmation modifications in response to polar questions." In G. Bolden, J. Heritage, and M.-L. Sorjonen (eds.),
Responses to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts, pp. 272-300. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
林 誠 「会話における順番交替の手続き」 山崎敬一・浜日出夫・小宮友根・田中博子・川島理恵・池田佳子・山崎晶子・池谷のぞみ(編)『エスノメソ
ドロジー・会話分析ハンドブック』 東京: 新曜社. pp. 189-197. 新曜社へのリンク
林 誠・安井永子 「サッカー指導場面での「身体的実演」に見られるコーチと選手の相互行為」 小宮友根・黒嶋智美(編)『実践の論理を描く: 相互行
為のなかの知識・身体・こころ』 東京: 勁草書房. pp. 158-175. 勁草書房へのリンク
Kushida, S. and Hayashi, M. "Indicating difficulty in describing something in words: The use of koo in word searches in Japanese talk-in-interaction."
Research on Language and Social Interaction 55(1), 59-78. Request a copy
Hiramoto, T. and Hayashi, M. "'How about eggs?': Action ascription in the family decision-making process while grocery shopping at a supermarket." In
A. Deppermann and M. Haugh, (eds.), Action Ascription in Interaction, pp. 208-233. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University
高木智世・串田秀也・黒嶋智美・林 誠・森田笑・澤井雪乃 「〈逸脱〉と〈資源〉としての非流暢性」『ことばと文字』14, 59-69. 東京: 日本のローマ字
社. Request a copy
Hayashi, M., Hosoda, Y. and Morimoto, I. "Tte yuu ka as a repair preface in Japanese." Research on Language and Social Interaction 52(2), 104-123.
Request a copy
Enfield, N., Stivers, T., Brown, P., Englert, C., Harjunpää, K. Hayashi, M., Heinemann, T., Hoymann, G., Keisanen, T., Rauniomaa, M., Raymond, C.,
Rossano, F., Yoon, K.-E., Zwitserlood, I., and Levinson, S. "Polar answers." Journal of Linguistics 55(2), 277-304. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話分析における対照研究」『社会言語科学』21(1), 4-18. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話分析と多言語比較」 平本毅・横森大輔・増田将伸・戸江哲理・城綾実(編)『会話分析の広がり』 東京: ひつじ書房. pp. 223-252.
Hayashi, M. and Hayano, K. "A-prefaced responses to inquiry in Japanese." In Heritage J. and M.-L. Sorjonen (eds.), Between Turn and Sequence: Turn-
Initial Particles Across Languages, pp. 191-224. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Dwelling, construing, and accidental features." In D. Favareau (ed.), Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of
Charles Goodwin, pp. 160-163. Tartu: University of Tartu Press. Request a copy
Fox, B., Wouk, F., Fincke, S., Flores, W., Hayashi, M., Laakso, M., Maschler, Y., Mehrabi, A., Sorjonen, M.-L., Uhmann, S. and Yang, H.-J. "Morphological
self-repair: Self-repair within the word." Studies in Language 41(3), 638–659. Request a copy
遠藤智子・横森大輔・林 誠 「確認要求に用いられる感動詞的用法の『なに』:認識的スタンス標識の相互行為上の働き」『社会言語科学』20(1),
100-114. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話におけるターンの共同構築」『日本語学』36(4), 128-139. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Kim, S. H. "Turn formats for other-initiated repair and their relation to trouble sources: Some observations from Japanese and Korean
conversations." Journal of Pragmatics 87, 198-217. Request a copy
串田秀也・林 誠 「WH質問への抵抗 - 感動詞『いや』の相互行為上の働き」友定賢治(編)『感動詞の言語学』 東京: ひつじ書房. pp. 169-211.
Hayashi, M. "Activity, participation, and joint turn construction: A conversation analytic exploration of ‘grammar-in-action’." In K. Kabata and
T. Ono (eds.), Usage-Based Approaches to Japanese Grammar: Toward the Understanding of Human Language, pp. 223-258. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Kushida, S. "Responding with resistance to wh-questions in Japanese talk-in-interaction." Research on Language and Social Interaction
46(3), 231–255. Request a copy
Hayashi, M., Raymond, G., and Sidnell, J. "Conversational repair and human understanding: An introduction." In M. Hayashi, G. Raymond, and J. Sidnell
(eds.), Conversational Repair and Human Understanding, pp. 1-40. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Hayashi, M. and Hayano, K. "Proffering insertable elements: A study of other-initiated repair in Japanese." In M. Hayashi, G. Raymond, and J.
Sidnell (eds.), Conversational Repair and Human Understanding, pp. 293-321. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University
Hayashi, M. "Turn allocation and turn sharing." In J. Sidnell and T. Stivers (eds.), The Handbook of Conversation Analysis, pp. 167-190. Malden, MA:
Wiley-Blackwell. Link to Wiley
Hayashi, M. "Claiming uncertainty in recollection: A study of kke-marked utterances in Japanese conversation." Discourse Processes 49(5), 391-425.
Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Yoon, K.-E. "A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of
word-formulation trouble." [An abridged version of Hayashi & Yoon 2006.] In N. Amiridze, B. Davis, and M. Maclagan (eds.), Fillers, Pauses and
Placeholders, pp. 33-66. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Hayashi, M. "An overview of the question-response system in Japanese." Journal of Pragmatics 42(10), 2685-2702. Request a copy
Stivers, T. and Hayashi, M. "Transformative answers: One way to resist a question's constraints." Language in Society 39(1), 1-25. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Marking a ‘noticing of departure’ in talk: Eh-prefaced turns in Japanese conversation." Journal of Pragmatics 41(10), 2100-2129.
Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Yoon, K.-E. "Negotiating boundaries in talk." In J. Sidnell (ed.), Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives, pp.
248-276. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Fox, B., Wouk, F., Hayashi, M., Fincke, S., Tao, L., Sorjonen, M.-L., Laakso, M. and Flores, W. "A cross-linguistic investigation of the site of
initiation in same turn self repair." In J. Sidnell (ed.), Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives, pp. 60-103. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Stivers, T., Enfield, N. J., Brown, P., Englert, C., Hayashi, M., Heinemann, T., Hoymann, G., Rossano, F., de Ruiter J. P., Yoon, K.-E., and
Levinson, S. C. "Universals and cultural variation in turn taking in conversation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(26),
10587-10592. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話における『指示』と発話の文法構造」児玉一宏・小山哲春(編)『言葉と認知のメカニズム - 山梨正明教授還暦記念論文集』 東京: ひつじ
書房. pp. 603-619. ひつじ書房へのリンク
林 誠 「相互行為の資源としての投射と文法 - 指示詞『あれ』の行為投射的用法をめぐって」社会言語科学 10(2), 16-28. Request a copy
Mori, J. and Hayashi, M. "The achievement of intersubjectivity through embodied completions: A study of interactions between first and second
language speakers." Applied Linguistics 27(2), 195-219. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Yoon, K.-E. "A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of
word-formulation trouble." Studies in Language 30(3), 485-540. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Joint turn construction through language and the body: Notes on embodiment in conjoined participation in situated activities."
Semiotica 156(1/4), 21-53. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Referential problems and turn construction: An exploration of an intersection between grammar and interaction." TEXT 25(4),
437-468. Request a copy
林 誠 「『文』内におけるインターアクション - 日本語助詞の相互行為上の役割をめぐって」串田秀也・定延利之・伝康晴(編)『活動として
の文と発話』東京: ひつじ書房 pp. 1-26. ひつじ書房へのリンク
Hayashi, M. "Projection and grammar: Notes on the ‘action-projecting’ use of the distal demonstrative are in Japanese." Journal of Pragmatics
36(8), 1337-1374. [Reprinted in P. Drew and J. Heritage, (eds.) 2006, Conversation Analysis, Volume 3: Turn Design and Action Formation, pp.
189-232. London: Sage.] Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Discourse within a sentence: An exploration of postpositions in Japanese as an interactional resource." Language in Society 33(3),
343-376. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Language and the body as resources for collaborative action: A study of word searches in Japanese conversation." Research on
Language and Social Interaction 36(2), 109-141. Request a copy
Hayashi, M., Mori, J. and Takagi, T. "Contingent achievement of co-tellership in a Japanese conversation: An analysis of talk, gaze, and gesture."
In C. Ford, B. Fox, and S. Thompson (eds.), The Language of Turn and Sequence, pp. 81-122. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Link to Oxford University
Hayashi, M. "Postposition-initiated utterances in Japanese conversation: An interactional account of a grammatical practice." In M. Selting and
E. Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), Studies in Interactional Linguistics, pp. 317-343. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Hayashi, M. "Where grammar and interaction meet: A study of co-participant completion in Japanese conversation." Human Studies 22(2-4):
475-499. Request a copy
Menn, L. Kamio, A., Hayashi, M., Fujita, I., Sasanuma, S., and Boles, L. "The role of empathy in sentence production: A functional analysis of
aphasic and normal elicited narratives in Japanese and English." In A. Kamio and K. Takami (eds.), Function and Structure: In Honor of
Susumu Kuno, pp. 317-355. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Hayashi, M. and Mori, J. "Co-construction in Japanese revisited: We do finish each other’s sentences." In N. Akatsuka, H. Hoji, S. Iwasaki, and
S. Strauss (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 7, pp. 77-93. Stanford: CSLI. Request a copy
Menn, L. Reilly, K., Hayashi, M., Kamio, A., Fujita, I., Sasanuma, S. "The interaction of preserved pragmatics and impaired syntax in Japanese
and English aphasic speech." Brain and Language 61(2): 183-225. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "An exploration of sentence-final uses of the quotative particle in Japanese spoken discourse." In H. Sohn and J. Haig (eds.),
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 6, pp. 565-581. Stanford: CSLI. Request a copy
Fox, B., Hayashi, M., Jasperson, R. "Resources and repair: A cross-linguistic study of syntax and repair." In E. Ochs, E. Schegloff, and S.
Thompson (eds.), Interaction and Grammar, pp. 185-237. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Jasperson, R., Hayashi, M., and Fox, B. "Semantics and interaction: Three exploratory case studies." TEXT 14(4): 555-580. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "A comparative study of self-repair in English and Japanese conversation." In N. Akatsuka (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol.
4, pp. 77-93. Stanford: CSLI. Request a copy
串田秀也・平本毅・林 誠 『会話分析入門』 東京: 勁草書房. 勁草書房へのリンク
Hayashi, M., Raymond, G., and Sidnell, J. (eds.) Conversational Repair and Human Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to
Cambridge University Press
Hayashi, M. Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Book Reviews:
林 誠(書評)「伊藤翼斗(著)『発話冒頭における言語要素の語順と相互行為』大阪大学出版会,2018」『社会言語科学』22(1), 267-271. Request a copy
Encyclopedia Entries:
Hayashi, M. "Anticipatory completion." In A. Gubina, E. M. Hoey and C. W. Raymond (eds.), Encyclopedia of Terminology for
Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/X4WC6
Hayashi, M. "Choral co-production." In A. Gubina, E. M. Hoey and C. W. Raymond (eds.), Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and
Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/BE8N5
Hayashi, M. "Transformative answer." In A. Gubina, E. M. Hoey and C. W. Raymond (eds.), Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and
Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/G6ND8
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Hayashi, M. and Hayano, K. "Conversation analysis." In K. Matsumoto, H. Narrog, J. C. Maher, and M. Hiramoto (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the
Japanese Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hayashi, M. and Kim, S. H. "Comparing across languages and cultures." In J. D. Robinson, R. Clift, K. Kendrick, and C. Raymond (eds), The Cambridge
Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis, pp. 780-808. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Hayano, K. and Hayashi, M. "Post-confirmation modifications in response to polar questions." In G. Bolden, J. Heritage, and M.-L. Sorjonen (eds.),
Responses to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts, pp. 272-300. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
林 誠 「会話における順番交替の手続き」 山崎敬一・浜日出夫・小宮友根・田中博子・川島理恵・池田佳子・山崎晶子・池谷のぞみ(編)『エスノメソ
ドロジー・会話分析ハンドブック』 東京: 新曜社. pp. 189-197. 新曜社へのリンク
林 誠・安井永子 「サッカー指導場面での「身体的実演」に見られるコーチと選手の相互行為」 小宮友根・黒嶋智美(編)『実践の論理を描く: 相互行
為のなかの知識・身体・こころ』 東京: 勁草書房. pp. 158-175. 勁草書房へのリンク
Kushida, S. and Hayashi, M. "Indicating difficulty in describing something in words: The use of koo in word searches in Japanese talk-in-interaction."
Research on Language and Social Interaction 55(1), 59-78. Request a copy
Hiramoto, T. and Hayashi, M. "'How about eggs?': Action ascription in the family decision-making process while grocery shopping at a supermarket." In
A. Deppermann and M. Haugh, (eds.), Action Ascription in Interaction, pp. 208-233. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University
高木智世・串田秀也・黒嶋智美・林 誠・森田笑・澤井雪乃 「〈逸脱〉と〈資源〉としての非流暢性」『ことばと文字』14, 59-69. 東京: 日本のローマ字
社. Request a copy
Hayashi, M., Hosoda, Y. and Morimoto, I. "Tte yuu ka as a repair preface in Japanese." Research on Language and Social Interaction 52(2), 104-123.
Request a copy
Enfield, N., Stivers, T., Brown, P., Englert, C., Harjunpää, K. Hayashi, M., Heinemann, T., Hoymann, G., Keisanen, T., Rauniomaa, M., Raymond, C.,
Rossano, F., Yoon, K.-E., Zwitserlood, I., and Levinson, S. "Polar answers." Journal of Linguistics 55(2), 277-304. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話分析における対照研究」『社会言語科学』21(1), 4-18. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話分析と多言語比較」 平本毅・横森大輔・増田将伸・戸江哲理・城綾実(編)『会話分析の広がり』 東京: ひつじ書房. pp. 223-252.
Hayashi, M. and Hayano, K. "A-prefaced responses to inquiry in Japanese." In Heritage J. and M.-L. Sorjonen (eds.), Between Turn and Sequence: Turn-
Initial Particles Across Languages, pp. 191-224. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Dwelling, construing, and accidental features." In D. Favareau (ed.), Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of
Charles Goodwin, pp. 160-163. Tartu: University of Tartu Press. Request a copy
Fox, B., Wouk, F., Fincke, S., Flores, W., Hayashi, M., Laakso, M., Maschler, Y., Mehrabi, A., Sorjonen, M.-L., Uhmann, S. and Yang, H.-J. "Morphological
self-repair: Self-repair within the word." Studies in Language 41(3), 638–659. Request a copy
遠藤智子・横森大輔・林 誠 「確認要求に用いられる感動詞的用法の『なに』:認識的スタンス標識の相互行為上の働き」『社会言語科学』20(1),
100-114. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話におけるターンの共同構築」『日本語学』36(4), 128-139. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Kim, S. H. "Turn formats for other-initiated repair and their relation to trouble sources: Some observations from Japanese and Korean
conversations." Journal of Pragmatics 87, 198-217. Request a copy
串田秀也・林 誠 「WH質問への抵抗 - 感動詞『いや』の相互行為上の働き」友定賢治(編)『感動詞の言語学』 東京: ひつじ書房. pp. 169-211.
Hayashi, M. "Activity, participation, and joint turn construction: A conversation analytic exploration of ‘grammar-in-action’." In K. Kabata and
T. Ono (eds.), Usage-Based Approaches to Japanese Grammar: Toward the Understanding of Human Language, pp. 223-258. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Kushida, S. "Responding with resistance to wh-questions in Japanese talk-in-interaction." Research on Language and Social Interaction
46(3), 231–255. Request a copy
Hayashi, M., Raymond, G., and Sidnell, J. "Conversational repair and human understanding: An introduction." In M. Hayashi, G. Raymond, and J. Sidnell
(eds.), Conversational Repair and Human Understanding, pp. 1-40. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Hayashi, M. and Hayano, K. "Proffering insertable elements: A study of other-initiated repair in Japanese." In M. Hayashi, G. Raymond, and J.
Sidnell (eds.), Conversational Repair and Human Understanding, pp. 293-321. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University
Hayashi, M. "Turn allocation and turn sharing." In J. Sidnell and T. Stivers (eds.), The Handbook of Conversation Analysis, pp. 167-190. Malden, MA:
Wiley-Blackwell. Link to Wiley
Hayashi, M. "Claiming uncertainty in recollection: A study of kke-marked utterances in Japanese conversation." Discourse Processes 49(5), 391-425.
Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Yoon, K.-E. "A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of
word-formulation trouble." [An abridged version of Hayashi & Yoon 2006.] In N. Amiridze, B. Davis, and M. Maclagan (eds.), Fillers, Pauses and
Placeholders, pp. 33-66. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Hayashi, M. "An overview of the question-response system in Japanese." Journal of Pragmatics 42(10), 2685-2702. Request a copy
Stivers, T. and Hayashi, M. "Transformative answers: One way to resist a question's constraints." Language in Society 39(1), 1-25. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Marking a ‘noticing of departure’ in talk: Eh-prefaced turns in Japanese conversation." Journal of Pragmatics 41(10), 2100-2129.
Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Yoon, K.-E. "Negotiating boundaries in talk." In J. Sidnell (ed.), Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives, pp.
248-276. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Fox, B., Wouk, F., Hayashi, M., Fincke, S., Tao, L., Sorjonen, M.-L., Laakso, M. and Flores, W. "A cross-linguistic investigation of the site of
initiation in same turn self repair." In J. Sidnell (ed.), Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives, pp. 60-103. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Stivers, T., Enfield, N. J., Brown, P., Englert, C., Hayashi, M., Heinemann, T., Hoymann, G., Rossano, F., de Ruiter J. P., Yoon, K.-E., and
Levinson, S. C. "Universals and cultural variation in turn taking in conversation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(26),
10587-10592. Request a copy
林 誠 「会話における『指示』と発話の文法構造」児玉一宏・小山哲春(編)『言葉と認知のメカニズム - 山梨正明教授還暦記念論文集』 東京: ひつじ
書房. pp. 603-619. ひつじ書房へのリンク
林 誠 「相互行為の資源としての投射と文法 - 指示詞『あれ』の行為投射的用法をめぐって」社会言語科学 10(2), 16-28. Request a copy
Mori, J. and Hayashi, M. "The achievement of intersubjectivity through embodied completions: A study of interactions between first and second
language speakers." Applied Linguistics 27(2), 195-219. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. and Yoon, K.-E. "A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of
word-formulation trouble." Studies in Language 30(3), 485-540. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Joint turn construction through language and the body: Notes on embodiment in conjoined participation in situated activities."
Semiotica 156(1/4), 21-53. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Referential problems and turn construction: An exploration of an intersection between grammar and interaction." TEXT 25(4),
437-468. Request a copy
林 誠 「『文』内におけるインターアクション - 日本語助詞の相互行為上の役割をめぐって」串田秀也・定延利之・伝康晴(編)『活動として
の文と発話』東京: ひつじ書房 pp. 1-26. ひつじ書房へのリンク
Hayashi, M. "Projection and grammar: Notes on the ‘action-projecting’ use of the distal demonstrative are in Japanese." Journal of Pragmatics
36(8), 1337-1374. [Reprinted in P. Drew and J. Heritage, (eds.) 2006, Conversation Analysis, Volume 3: Turn Design and Action Formation, pp.
189-232. London: Sage.] Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Discourse within a sentence: An exploration of postpositions in Japanese as an interactional resource." Language in Society 33(3),
343-376. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "Language and the body as resources for collaborative action: A study of word searches in Japanese conversation." Research on
Language and Social Interaction 36(2), 109-141. Request a copy
Hayashi, M., Mori, J. and Takagi, T. "Contingent achievement of co-tellership in a Japanese conversation: An analysis of talk, gaze, and gesture."
In C. Ford, B. Fox, and S. Thompson (eds.), The Language of Turn and Sequence, pp. 81-122. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Link to Oxford University
Hayashi, M. "Postposition-initiated utterances in Japanese conversation: An interactional account of a grammatical practice." In M. Selting and
E. Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), Studies in Interactional Linguistics, pp. 317-343. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Hayashi, M. "Where grammar and interaction meet: A study of co-participant completion in Japanese conversation." Human Studies 22(2-4):
475-499. Request a copy
Menn, L. Kamio, A., Hayashi, M., Fujita, I., Sasanuma, S., and Boles, L. "The role of empathy in sentence production: A functional analysis of
aphasic and normal elicited narratives in Japanese and English." In A. Kamio and K. Takami (eds.), Function and Structure: In Honor of
Susumu Kuno, pp. 317-355. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Link to John Benjamins
Hayashi, M. and Mori, J. "Co-construction in Japanese revisited: We do finish each other’s sentences." In N. Akatsuka, H. Hoji, S. Iwasaki, and
S. Strauss (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 7, pp. 77-93. Stanford: CSLI. Request a copy
Menn, L. Reilly, K., Hayashi, M., Kamio, A., Fujita, I., Sasanuma, S. "The interaction of preserved pragmatics and impaired syntax in Japanese
and English aphasic speech." Brain and Language 61(2): 183-225. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "An exploration of sentence-final uses of the quotative particle in Japanese spoken discourse." In H. Sohn and J. Haig (eds.),
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 6, pp. 565-581. Stanford: CSLI. Request a copy
Fox, B., Hayashi, M., Jasperson, R. "Resources and repair: A cross-linguistic study of syntax and repair." In E. Ochs, E. Schegloff, and S.
Thompson (eds.), Interaction and Grammar, pp. 185-237. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link to Cambridge University Press
Jasperson, R., Hayashi, M., and Fox, B. "Semantics and interaction: Three exploratory case studies." TEXT 14(4): 555-580. Request a copy
Hayashi, M. "A comparative study of self-repair in English and Japanese conversation." In N. Akatsuka (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol.
4, pp. 77-93. Stanford: CSLI. Request a copy